My Love Letter to La La land

I know some people have their opinions about La La Land, but those comments never swayed my love for this movie. Since its release, La La Land has given me so much comfort and joy whenever I needed it the most. It will always have a special place in my heart. Honestly, sometimes I worry about growing tired of it because of the amount of times I’ve watched it (there are some movies and shows that I don’t obsess over as much as I used to). However, even if that day comes (which I hope never will), I will always appreciate the existence of this film.

I don’t have the privilege of having supporting, loving parents. They always pick out major life decisions for me, and one of those decisions was not living out for uni. This took such a toll on me; I was so excited at the idea of finally having a sense of independence and freedom away from my horrible family. Even though I tried to explain how unhappy I was, my parents could not separate their beliefs to let me, a woman, live out on my own for uni. Yes, I was in my legal right to go anyway, but I was scared. I didn’t have the confidence to stand up to them. I’ve been down this road before. They would never budge. It took me a few years to realise that they don’t care enough about me. That they could ever change and understand what I was going through. That’s why I keep myself to myself. I’m more sane this way.

Anyway, during the uni application process was hard. I had to apply to unis I didn’t want to go to and my mental health kept getting worse. It was during this time La La Land came out in cinemas. I was waiting for this film for months. At the time, I kind of hated how it had to come out when my life was very stressful, but I’m glad it did. It was this piece of light that I needed at that time. The story of dreamers compelled me, as I am, very much so, a big dreamer. The soundtrack felt magical, I couldn’t stop singing ‘City of Stars’ when I left the cinema. The colour palette soothed me; a world filled with vibrant colours was needed to heal me for a short period of time. I guess in my world filled with misery, I needed something like La La Land to pull me out of it temporarily. A world filled with colour, music and people I can relate to.

4 years later and it’s still relevant as ever. Finding a job has not been an easy task for me. Like Mia, I’m trying to start my dream career. For over a year, I have applied to countless jobs and I haven’t had my chance yet. The constant rejections are so tiring. The need to want to succeed and finally achieve something has been so hard. I now truly understand that pain. Being a dreamer can come with a lot of downfalls. The moment I get a call-back, this big rush of happiness and hope come in. It’s the best feeling. But the moment it doesn’t fall through, it’s the worst pain to my soul.

“I failed. Of course I did.”

I hope I get to make my dreams come true. I hope I have my five years later moment. I hope I get to meet my own Sebastian, someone who encourages me towards my dreams and gives me strength to keep on going. I am so thankful for Damien Chazelle’s work. He’s already made such an impact on Hollywood in a short amount of time. I can’t wait to see more. Thank you, Damien. Thank you for creating La La Land.

Art is amazing, isn’t it? The way someone’s creation can have such a great impact on our lives, whether to inspire or bring joy, it truly is a blessing.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. It really means a lot!  

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